Manage Users and assign User Roles. 


Access User Management Tools

1. Click on Menu 

2. Click on “Users”


Add New User

  1. To add a new user to the organization, click drop-down option (arrow icon)
  2. Choose User Role
  3. Designate User Group
  4. Enter First Name
  5. Enter Last Name
  6. Enter User’s Email
  7. Enter User’s Phone Number
  8. Click Save

NOTE: Only Org Admins can add new Groups

Add New User

  1. To add a new user to the organization, click drop-down arrow icon
  2. Choose User Role
  3. Designate User Group
  4. Enter First Name
  5. Enter Last Name
  6. Enter User’s Email
  7. Enter User’s Phone Number
  8. Click Save

NOTE: Only Org Admins can add new Groups

User Roles

Account Owner

The Account Owner is the user who created your LOCKTERA SHARE account and is the primary point of contact with LOCKTERA. The Account Owner has the same User Permissions as Super Admins.

 Org Admin

Org Admins can perform all the administrative functions associated with the LOCKTERA SHARE Platform. An account can have multiple Org Admins. Org Admins have permission to add Users, Groups and User Admins. Org Admins have access to all reports.

Org Admins can see Performance Reports for all Users, including Org Admins and User Admins.

 User Admin

Group Admins can add and manage users in their Group. Group Admins can access reports for the groups they manage. Groups can have multiple Group Admins.


Users have access to their own user portal, tera file library and user reports only. Each User can belong to either one Group or the Organization. Each user must have a unique email.

NOTE: Only Users and Authorized Viewers can access content files.


Each Organization can have multiple Groups. For example, many organizations assign a  Group to each department. Each Group can have multiple User Admins.

Group Admins can see Performance Reports for the Users within their Group.


Add Multiple Users Using .csv Upload

  1. To add more than one new user at a time click on the Import Drop-down option (arrow icon).
  2. Download the sample .csv file. Use this format to assemble New User Information for upload.
  3. Click on the Browse button
  4. Choose File
  5. Click Import Users button


This is a sample of a .csv file ready for upload.

Notify New User

Notify New Registered Users with information to access their LOCKTERA SHARE dashboard and support guides to help them get started quickly.

  1. Click the Envelope Icon
  2. The notification notice will appear in the default email client. This message can be styled and edited as needed.
  3. Send the email to notify the user


Edit User

To edit User from organization follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Edit Icon
  2. Edit the User Role
  3. Select or choose the Group
  4. Edit the User’s First Name
  5. Edit the User’s Last Name
  6. Edit the User’s Phone Number
  7. Click Save


Delete User

To delete User Information follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Delete Icon for the user you wish to delete.
  2. Confirm deletion. User will be removed.


Freuqently Asked Questions

1. I accidently deleted a user. Did I lose all data for that User?

No. Upon deletion User data is disabled for 30 days before it is completely deleted from the system. To restore the User, simply add the User and the data will reappear.

2. Does Org Admins, User Adminss and Account Owners have access to User’s content stored in TERA Files?

No. Only engagement statistics are visible. Content is only visible to the User that secured the content and authorized viewers.

Quick Tips

Setting Up Groups

Many organizations set up groups that mirror company departments (i.e. finance, legal, sales, etc). This allows managers to monitor use and results for their department.