LOCKTERA User’s Address Book Manager.


Access Contact Management Tools

Contacts can be added to the LOCKTERA User’s address book to enable easy access during secure file encoding. There are two ways to add contacts to your address book: manual addition or upload a .csv formatted contact file.

1. Click on Menu 

2. Click on “Address Book”


Add New Contact To Address Book Manually

  1. To add new contact click drop-down option (arrow icon).
  2. Enter Contact’s Email (required field)
  3. Enter First Name (required field)
  4. Enter Last Name (required field)
  5. Enter Mobile Phone Number
  6. Enter Company Name
  7. Click Save

Add Multiple Contacts To Address Book Using CSV Upload

  1. To add more than one new contact at a time click on the Import Dropdown.
  2. Download the sample .csv file. Use this format to assemble New Contact Information for upload.
  3. Click on the Browse button
  4. Choose File
  5. Click Import Contacts button


6. This is a sample of a .csv file ready for upload.

CSV File fields:
Email: required field
First Name: required field
Last Name: required field
Mobile Phone: Optional field
Company: Optional field. Data changes uploaded via CSV will over-write any existing User’s Contacts.

Delete Contact

To delete Contact Information from the Address Book follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Delete Icon for the contact you wish to delete.
  2. Confirm deletion. Contact will be removed.


Edit Contact

To edit Contact from the Address Book, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Edit Icon
  2. Edit the Contact’s Email
  3. Edit the Contact’s First Name
  4. Edit the Contact’s Last Name
  5. Edit the Contact’s Phone Number
  6. Edit the Contact’s Company Name
  7. Click Save


Freuqently Asked Questions

1. Are my contacts visible to the entire organization?

No. Each User has their own Address Book and is only available to the User.

Quick Tips

Using Contacts

Contact emails will auto-populate when assigning authorized users. Populating the Address Book saves Users valuable time.