Frequently Asked Questions for LOCKTERA Viewers

You received an email that contains secure files encrypted by LOCKTERA with a link to access them.

Prior to accessing the files, the sender requires you to authenticate your email prior to accessing the contents.Please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the embedded link in your email.
  2. Authenticate your email using your preferred authentication process. Note you MUST authenticate the email that you received the message at.
         a. Google – authentication will follow procedures previously set up by you with Google.
         b. Microsoft – authentication will follow procedures previously set up by you with Microsoft.
         c. Email Verification – in the authentication prompt type in your email address and follow the instructions. Upon successful authentication you will receive an additional email with a link to access the secure files (please check your junk/spam folders).
  3. Following successful authentication, you be able to access the content.


Are the LOCKTERA secure container file links and content files safe to click on?

Yes. LOCKTERA SHARE is a platform service that enables the sender to securely share files of any size. Content is encrypted using Post-Quantum Cryptography and AES encryption to ensure the content files are safely delivered to only the intended viewer. Senders are responsible for the content sent to you.

Can the sender access my Google or Microsoft log in credentials?

No. LOCKTERA uses the Google and Microsoft OAuth 2.0 Authentication Process. This process is managed by Microsoft and Google and uses the security parameters that you set up with the respective service previously. Neither Locktera nor the sender manages this authentication process.  See the LOCKTERA Privacy Policy for use of information.

Where can I learn more and subscribe to LOCKTERA SHARE?

To learn more please go to

For additional assistance or questions, please email: