Manage Users and assign User Roles. Assigning users to groups within your organization allows managers to drill down into analytic reports to view engagement for all users of the group.


Get Started

Complete User Authentication Process and sign in


Authentication Basics >

Manage Users

With Locktera you can set up your organization using User Roles.
Add, edit and manage Users for your Organization.


User management guide >


Create Secure Container File

With Locktera, you can store and send content files securely.


Start securing content files>


Secure TERA files are stored in the User’s library.


Manage files in library >

Manage Contacts

Save time by adding contacts to your Address Book.


Manage contacts >


The Locktera viewer decodes and displays the secure contentz User the Viewer to view and download shared content.


Viewer >

Analytic Reports

Store and send content files securely


Analytic Reports >

Freuqently Asked Questions

1. I accidently deleted a user. Did I lose all data for that User?

No. Upon deletion User data is disabled for 30 days before it is completely deleted from the system. To restore the User, simply add the User and the data will reappear.

Quick Tips

Setting Up Groups

Many organizations set up groups that mirror company departments (i.e. finance, legal, sales, etc). This allows managers to monitor use and results for their department.