Locktera Encode Help
ADD CONTENT FILES section (required)
Add a single or multiple files to be secured in a single .tera container:
- Drag-and-drop the files into the designated blue area or,
- BROWSE – Choose the files by clicking on the BROWSE button.
Content files inventory table
All the container added files are recorded in the inventory table. Each files can be removed from the container by clicking the corresponding DELETE button. The SIZE and the name of each file are displayed in the table. Total size of the container is displayed as the filees are added.
Allow Download (optional)
Global toggle switch to allow or deny the recipient to download the .tera container content files. Switch=OFF – files can only be viewed ; Switch=ON – all the container files can be downloaded.
Password (optional)
Optional container password. Recipients /viewers of a password enabled container are required to type the password prior to access.
Authorized Viewer(s) (required)
Designate the .tera file viewer / recipient. Allow only specific viewer(s) to access the container content by clicking on the “+” and adding the recipient email address (email addresses saved in Contacts will auto-populate when the address is being typed). Click on the “-” to remove a specific recipient. Click on the “Allow anyone with link access” check box to grant access to the .tera container content to any viewer (prior to access .tera files the viewers are required to authenticate using their email address)
Access Dates (optional)
Designate a specific access date range for the .tera file. Click on Start and select the date and time for the beginning of access period. Click on End and select the date and time for the end of the access interval.
Advance Access Rules (optional)
Dynamic Access Control
Toggle switch allowing the user/creator to dynamically change the container access rules. When the switch=ON the user/creator can change the Allow Download, Authorized Viewers, Access Dates, IP Address Rule, Location Rule, and Open Rule options for an existing container. When switch=OFF all the container access options are static and cannot be change.
IP Address Rule
Enable or disable .tera file from one or multiple specific IP Addresses (GeoIP). Toggle the switch to “Allow” or “Block” the IP Address and type the specific IP Address (format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). Click on the “+” to set additional IP Address rules. Click “-” to remove an IP Address rule.
Location Rule
Enable or disable .tera file from one or multiple specific geographic locations (GeoLocation). Toggle the switch to “Allow” or “Block” the Location, choose the Country, Region/State, and City from the drop-down options. Click on the “+” to add an additional Location. Click “-” to remove a Location.
Open Rule
Designate the .tera container access count (how many times the container can be viewed). By default, the .tera containers is set for unlimited views. To choose a limited numbers of container Views, toggle the switch to “Limited” and choose the Open Limit count.
Advance Search (optional)
References (optional)
Special optional container identifiers encoded into container designed to qualify searches for .tera files into your private library. Click on the dropdown arrow to expand the section. Click on the “+” to add one or more reference(s) label and reference value(s). Click on the “-” to remove a reference.
Secure Container Name (optional)
Unique name for the encoded container. By default, the system generates a unique container name that, if desired, can be overwritten by the user.
Tags (optional)
Designate search tags for the encoded .tera container. Type the tags (single or multiple words) and press the enter key to create one or multiple tags. The tags can be removed by clicking on the X icon associated with the specific tag.
Clear all .tera encoder fields. All imputed data will be deleted.
Encode and secure the chosen filles into the .tera container. Upon successful creation, there are 3 ways to securely share the container:
- “ Share link via email using html formatted text” – .tera file web link is copied to the clipboard in HTML format available for paste into various sharing email platforms.
- “Share link via text or message application” – .tera file web link is copied to the clipboard in text format available for paste into various sharing platforms (email, text, chat etc.)
- “Share link using default email” – the default email client opens with a new message. The link to the .tera container will be embedded into the email body.